Stars & Stripes Sunday Comics Section January 18 1981 Beetle BaileyGreat color comic strip- Beetle Bailey by Mort Walker, Hagar the Horrible by Dik Browne, Apartment 3-G, Hi and Lois by Mort Walker and Dik Browne, Tank McNamara by Jeff Millar and Bill Hinds, Doonesbury by GB Trudeau, Henry by Don Trachte, The Wizard of ID by Parker and Hart, Cathy by Cathy Guisewite, Prince Valiant, Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff, BC by Johnny Hart, Andy Capp, Broom Hilda, Rick O'Shay and Hipshot, Peanuts by Charles Schulz, nancy by Ernie Bushmiller, Shoe wby Jeff MacNelly, Grain and Bear It, Blondie by Young and Raymond.
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